Saturday, September 1, 2007

"Tenth Meeting"

Honestly speaking I had never experience a negative peer pressure from my friends. I have a very good friends. Infact, im the negative peer to them!LOL I've been from a Christian School who always guide us in everything we do. They don't let us to go somewhere after school hours unless we are permited by our parents. They also not letting us to have a commitment with someone (the bf/gf relationship). They are also guiding as in everything we do. Its kinda annoying because we feel like we don't have any rights like others have. But I have realized that all that they are doing is for our own sakes too. Now, I have appreciated that everything that they've done before is just to protect us.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

"Eighth Meeting Questions"

What Challenge did you take?

-Return an excess change

Where you able to do the challenge?

Yes! I feel great! Because I can keep the excess change and let no one know about it. But I made the right decision of giving it back to the loading station.

What have you realized/learned from your experience?

I learned that being honest is not only pleasing people or showing a good virtue but it is also away of setting yourself free from any thoughts that will bother you.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

"Seveth Meeting!"

My realization and plans for my health.

We know for a fact that most of the teenagers use to drink and smoke at their very young age. Some are just being influenced by their 'barkadas'. Others say that its their way to forget their problems. But the reality is even you drink and smoke everyday, your problem wasn't able to be solve. In fact, it is getting worser as you keep on hiding on it. And you are just damaging your lungs and letting your brain to shrink because of the alcohol. Knowing these facts made me aware of what to do. Now, even I had too much problems facing and have to face I wont even try to drink or smoke because it can't help me solve my problems. I'll just face it with courage and bring it on!^_^

Friday, August 3, 2007

"Sixth Meeting Questions"

A. What challenge did you take?

I challenge myself to get a high score in my second long exam in Logic and in Physical Science.

B. Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?

Yes! I feel so overwhelm because I get a perfect score in Logic! And I'm so glad to pass the second long exam in Physical Science because I failed the first long exam.

C. What have you realized / learned from your experience? I have realized that there's nothing impossible in God! (naks!) And if you review your lessons you will get low scores no more!^_^

"An Inconvenient Truth"

- The Most striking scene in the movie

The most striking scene in the movie would be the slides that Al Gore had made. The slides which are the effects of the Global warming.

- Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie

I become aware of using some high technology machines which can cause too much carbon emission.

- Your realization after watching the movie

I realized that the results that was caused by the Global warming is worldwide. And its all because of us.

- The specific actions you can commit to take care of the environment

The specific actions that I can commit to take care of the environment are change a light bulb into a fluorescent light; drive less; recycle more and buy more recycled; checking my tires; using less hot water; avoiding products with a lot of packaging; adjusting our thermostat; planting a tree; and by turn off electrical device when not in use.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

"Fifth Meeting Questions"

"The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished."

The most challenging thing I have ever accomplished might be losing my stage pride. I am a type of person who is very shy to front many people. I don't have the self confidence to face many people. But when I was second year high school, I am asigned by my teacher present a declamatory piece for our recognition night. It was entitled 'Vengeance is not ours, its God's." I was really shocked when my teacher told that. I was about to refuse but my teacher just say that "you can do it, I believe in you." Having her trust in me, I just start memorizing the piece and practice everyday. She teach me of the right diction and the right emotion for that piece. But it wasn't easy for me as an amateur to express different emotions every now and then. I did my very best to practice so that my instructor wouldn't be in shame and my parents as well. My friends were there to encourage me. And when the night was come, I was really nervous while waiting for my name to be called. When I am called, I just pray while walking to the stage. When I arrived there, I just did what I practice. The whole congregation was quiet as they watching me. And I express the right emotions for the piece. The audience cry as I weep. And when I am done with my piece. The audience give me a warm of applause. And my instructor told me that "its a job well done jean!" I am so thankful that God help me. And I have overcome my weakness.

Monday, July 16, 2007

"Fourth Meeting Questions"

Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

Some of my positive characteristics are being friendly, flexible or easy to get along with, and sincere. Being friendly helps me to meet new people and form friendship with them. I believe in the saying that, "No man is an island". Therefore, I need someone that I can call my friend, someone to lean on or someone that can be with me in my ups and downs. I am a flexible type of person (not a gYmNast!) I can easily get along with someone, even we're just starting our friendship. I believe that each of us has his/her own imperfections, because we can't deny the fact that "no body's perfect". Then I have to accept and understand each one's mistake and weaknesses so that they'll accept and understand me as I am. And the last characteristic that I have mentioned is my sincerity. I am sincere in the things that I have to. Like in God, family, syudies, friends, and love. (nYiKes?)

The Golden Rule says "Do unto others as you would have others than unto you."
A. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:
**When you have given wrong answers to the questions during the recitation.
>> I hope they will just say that, "It's okay, everyone is entitled to make a mistake. Nice try!" And dont laugh at me.
** When you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion.
>> I just hope that they will respect my opinion.
** When you are giving suggestions during your group work or presentation.
>> I just hope that they will accept my suggestion.
** When you commit a mistake.
>> I just hope that they will forgive me and understand that I am just a human being and not a perfect one.
** When you don't like doing what they ask you to do.
>>I hope that they will understand my reason why I am not doing the thing that they ask me to do.
** When thay want to give you their comments or suggestion.
>> I hope they will say it in private and in a good manner.
B. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you
commit to yourself in terms dealing with MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?
I will respect each of them at all times. I will avoid conflicts dealing with the whole MCL community.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

"Third Meeting Questions"

Remarks for the MCL Administrations.

I've notice that the programme is well organized. And the security of each student was assured. They make sure that only the MALAYAN students can attend the Freshen Night and no outsider allowed just to secure each student safety. And Mr. DC informed us that even the students from MAPUA Intramurous was not allowed to come. The MCL Administrator made taht night unforgettable for everyone. They bring us 3 bands, the calla lily, mom's cake, and chicosci. And not only that, they gave a shirt and a planner for each student.

Write a reflection about one of your significant classroom experiences during the past few days at MCL.

The most significant classroom experience in MCL might be my first day. It was June 18, 2007. Its in room 204. It was memorable because I came there late. But the thing that makes it more memorable is because of my teacher, Mr. DC! He's my favorite teacher ever! haha! Because during the orientation, I found him funny yet serious in the things that he should be. And before I came in the school, I am hoping that he'll be one of my teacher. And my wish was granted!hehe! My first day became memorable to me also because of I meet new people. And my classmates were all approachable and easy to get along with. Even all my professors were all kind. That's why I enjoy my first day.


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