Thursday, August 2, 2007

"Fifth Meeting Questions"

"The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished."

The most challenging thing I have ever accomplished might be losing my stage pride. I am a type of person who is very shy to front many people. I don't have the self confidence to face many people. But when I was second year high school, I am asigned by my teacher present a declamatory piece for our recognition night. It was entitled 'Vengeance is not ours, its God's." I was really shocked when my teacher told that. I was about to refuse but my teacher just say that "you can do it, I believe in you." Having her trust in me, I just start memorizing the piece and practice everyday. She teach me of the right diction and the right emotion for that piece. But it wasn't easy for me as an amateur to express different emotions every now and then. I did my very best to practice so that my instructor wouldn't be in shame and my parents as well. My friends were there to encourage me. And when the night was come, I was really nervous while waiting for my name to be called. When I am called, I just pray while walking to the stage. When I arrived there, I just did what I practice. The whole congregation was quiet as they watching me. And I express the right emotions for the piece. The audience cry as I weep. And when I am done with my piece. The audience give me a warm of applause. And my instructor told me that "its a job well done jean!" I am so thankful that God help me. And I have overcome my weakness.

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